Title: The 9/11 Commission Report, The Final
Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States/Authorized
Edition (2004)
Preliminary First Review (Note if I've pist of people from blogger before they'll hate me now):
I probably lost it,
gone crazy, sitting down to review and
analyze this monster of 567 pages; and
it's not a easy read, it really overflows with information your head ends up numb for a week after reading this report (
its probably the tenth time that I've read it from front to back, you always
find new stuff), but I thought to myself that it would be an interesting
exercise especial having perspective 14 years after the events of
September 11 which basically changed the
game for US policy and defined George W Bush’s legacy, with his war on Terror,
and even though Bush is long gone the Terror he pledge to fight is alive and
well, Al Qaeda is still operating and
has inspired many other Jihadist movements , and the power vacuum that was left
in post Saddam Husain Iraq and post Taliban Afghanistan has served as fertile breeding grounds for these group to grow in
knowhow and experience.
Now I remember the
day of the attacks like it happened yesterday, I was in a university class called International Security here in at my
home town university, in Cordoba Argentina, when some entered the class and
told us to go to the nearest TV to see what was happing, we saw everything in
utter shock, but I'll never forget the professor of that International Security
class telling us that everything that he had been teaching had just become
irrelevant and that this was a true game changer in the International System
and boy was he right, the War on Terror, the Patriot Act, Regime Change, the
Birth of Homeland Security, the Axis of Evil/Terror ... all spiraled out of the
events of 9-11, the poor action and miss fires of Bush government basically
left a complete mess where the US took action, and anti-american sentiment ran rampant, corroded Americas
image across the globe (Note I will make a review of Peter Katzestein about Anti-Amricanism and the War on Terror)
. Note I think any other president
could have done a better job than George W, he wasn't prepared to handle such a
international political contingency, I remember reading a article a ironically
a week before the attack the explained that since he had taken office in early
2001 he didn't show much interest in foreign policy, even though he was warned of a possible
major terrorist attack, he concentrated on domestic issues till the world came knocking.
Before we move on sorry for the margens they are al over the place having issues with the blog site its self.
Before we move on sorry for the margens they are al over the place having issues with the blog site its self.
So lets start off with the Bad, the Stupid and the Scary:
There are about 28 pages removed from the report
for national security reasons, it speculated that the info on these
pages can incriminate members of the Saudi royal family, but it seems that even
the Saudi’s are asking the US publish these 28 pages.
Even Though the Majority of the Terrorist are Saudi
Arabia Nationals the book put very little focus on this country maybe 8 pages
out of a 428 pages
Not too much capacity for
synthesis, the report phase out as a
reader every now and then, it gets into some technical issues and if you are
not a expert certain fields you are lost in this book at moments.
The quality of the analyses
goes down as the book progresses, it much more serious at the begging of the
report and at the end it become very pro US and ethnocentric, trying to
validate future policies.
US government was open to give
the Taliban a Chance P 111, oh boy they
didn't have the slightest idea the nature of this group, this probably because
of the US disengagement with this region in general.
It mind blowing that the report
actually establishes on P 117 that because of the movie "Wag the Dog"
that came out 1997, that was about how a president created a fake international
conflict to distract the population from domestic issues, in this case the
Lewinsky scandal, Clinton couldn't get any political traction to confront Osama
bin Laden.
Taliban where willing to
negotiate after some talks with the CIA to
give Osama bin Laden to the Saudi's, but in the face to face talks thing went
bad ending up with Riyadh suspending diplomatic relations with Afghanistan, yes the Saudi's dropped the ball it sort off a pattern to see them screw up in this report and get off scott free.
From my point of view Chapter 8 and 11 are pretty redundant, both touch on things the Report has already elaborated on.
On Pakistan the Bush
Administration did engaged Musharraf on
this issue and established that Al Qaeda was "a direct threat to the
United States and its interest" p 207, to see how they could address this
issue, Yup they did a pretty job, they only found Osama hiding out in their country.
The Bush administration obsessed with Saddam
Hussein so they wanted to tie him to the attacks of 9-11 with no evidence what so
ever, but they made him a target in the
War on Terror anyways, so here we go with some of the stupid affirmation from the
Bush administration the this Report present the reader:
Bush actually speculated that
if Saddam Hussein pledge to Palestinian suicide bombers, so he might have had a
hand in the 9-11 attacks.
Richard Clark head of the CIA informs
Condoleezza Rice that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks.
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Everyone in the Bush
Administration really wanted to make the case to attack Iraq, but Rumsfeld
really stands out, the report citing the Secretary of Defense, explaining that
he had the instinct was to hit Saddam
Hussein at the same time the US would attack Bin Laden page 335. So I guess you can run
foreign policy and a future war on instinct, I can't believe this is
actually report and no one holds this
guys accountable. A couple of line latter on the same page the report mention
that Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz try to make the case to attack Iraq at the
same time as Afghanistan in phase one in the War on Terrorism, again with no
evidence in hand, but they were hellbent on taking down Saddam.
Paul Wolfowitz thought that
Iraq was the source of the terrorist problem, from my point of view when you
read this report the man seem obsessed with Iraq but never explains his motives
or tries to prove his point.
Now read this crazy chronology
of the Bush administrations stupidity September 15 Iraq is off the table in the
planning of the US retaliation, September 16 Iraq is back on the table just in
case if they find any relation with Al Qaeda and September 17 Iraq is
considered officially part of phase two of the War on terrorism, it insane that
these people took these types of decisions based mostly on hunches.
Debatable and Juicy Aspects of the Report:
The book tries on a few occasions to establish a
relationship between Osama Bin Laden and Iraq, but the book officially
establishes that Saddam had no relationship with terrorist or sponsor terrorism
in general. But for George W Bush and his cabinet virtually ignored the same
intelligence that was used to make the report establishing that there was no
relation between Saddam’s Iraq and Al Qaeda, Bush’s team actually created
the ridicules concept Axis of Evil (yes
they used comic book language), which Iraq war part of and it was part of War
on Terror and Saddam’s regime had to go.
So this report came out after the attack and invasion of Sovereign nation and
basically this report officially
establishes that Bush was wrong their no relationship between Saddam and Osama,
but who cares the regime has changed there is democracy in Iraq everything will
be fine.
Report explains that
fundamentalism and in this case Bin
Laden's appeal, and how it finds its
foot hold in "people disoriented by cyclonic changes as they confront
modernity and globalization" p 48, note for the report these terrorist are
not part modernity, but we can observe they sure like internet and technology, they
are just picky and choosy what they like from modernity and better said from my
point of view they are a unwanted by product of modernity. Putting it in
another way not everyone that joins these groups are "disoriented" or
do not understand these modern times, in a way its underestimating these
people, many are disenchanted with what's happening in our times or feel that
they don't fit in and through themselves into faith and gravitating into
extremism over time if the social political context is right ( note this is an
over simplification just to explain my point).
It's interesting to see unlike
ISIS, Osama was willing to bridge the differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims, to
battle common enemy the West, the report
establishes that relationship started while Osama was in Sudan.
It's interesting to see how sluggish
the US government was to understand that terrorism and how it had evolved over
the 90's into the early 2000's.
The Report establishes in chapter 7 that Hezbollah gave advice and assistance
to Al Qaeda, and they were allowed free transit with no control in Iran, Now
this is surprisingly because one group
is Shia group and the other Sunni, but they
seem to have left their differences
aside because both had a bone to pick with Saudi Arabia, It would be interesting
to dig in and find more info on the subject.
In Chapter 10 the Report touches on a hot topic,
that a group of Saudi nationals were flown out of US airspace in a chapter
flight during the prohibition of flights
after the attacks, before September 13 when US airspace reopened. The
report establishes that this didn't happened but the speculation remains if
this group of Saudi's were let out because of the pressure of the Saudi government.
With such a big Saudi foot print in the whole
report with most of the Hijackers were born in that country, actual 15 out of
19, from my point of view we have an issue here. The report timidly talks about
this problem for about three pages, addressing the problem of the Zakat the
Muslim for charity and social security, one of the five pillars of Islam, and how
growing Saudi wealth sometimes ends up funneled
into extremist schools and organizations that pose as charity foundations. The
Report notes that in the Muslim world there is no oversight how and who this money goes to, and one must note the
Al Qaede started like one of these charitable organization, and the report just evades to confront some major
cultural issues in Saudi Arabia, especially Wahabi religious doctrine that promotes a very dangerous type of religious
zeal, that was probably spoon feed to those 15 hijackers since they were kids and were recruited in Saudi Arabia.
In Chapter 10 presents the
reader that in the early stages of planning the US military response Rumsfeld
established that it was possible that it
was necessary to broaden the list of States who could have harbored and trained
the attacker including Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Iran, from my point of view here
is where the US loses it moral authority, because note even the report draws
responsibilities to any of these State.
The US establishes a strong alliance with Pakistan
to battle the Taliban, yup they were totally trust worthy allies, we just only
found Osama bin Laden hiding their territory.
In chapter 12 the book goes full on ethnocentric pro US mode, explaining
that the reason there is Islamic
terrorism is "because the Muslim world has fallen behind the West politically,
economically and militarily for the past three centuries and because it has so
few tolerant or secular democracies", this is a oversimplification that
just leads into the justification of the need of the War on Terror and Regime
The Report Actually establishes places that are
hotspots for terrorism, None of them objectives in the war on terrorism, expect
for Afghanistan We have the Pakistan/Afghanistan boarder, Western, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, frontier of
Kenya with Somalia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Mali and especially expatriate
Muslim communities in Europe that with
their migratory policy of free movement in the union makes it hard to track potential
The report actually praises George W Bush's for his
actions in Afghanistan on page 370, now
objectivity at this point has gone out the window.
Clinton was very worried about the threat Osama posed, but deliberately didn't speak openly about him in public if not obligated "avoid enhancing bin Laden's stature by giving him unnecessary publicity", note from my point of view Bush's War on Terrorism and the way it was managed it elevated Osama among Islamic radicals and served bin Laden's agenda.
During the whole election cycle
for the year 2000 presidential election terrorism and especially Al Qaeda
wasn't debated, being the fact that the USS Cole had been very recently attacked and the bombings in Africa, and that's a very interesting
observation from the report itself.
Some interesting ideas, conclusions and other stuff from this book:
The book establishes the need to create e new
government entity called Homeland Security that coordinates the efforts of the
US Intelligence Agencies. Something that
is seemed to be needed now in Europe dealing
with the aftermath of the 13/11 attacks on Paris, an entity that is
above the individual national intelligence agencies, that coordinates efforts
and makes sure that vital intelligence is shared among the security services.
NORAD proved useless to counter these attacks, it
was conceived to stop external threats and traditional hijackings, more thought
for the Cold War.
People most understand that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
(KSM) is the architect of the 9-11 attacks, not Osama bin Laden, it's a common
mistake , and it important that this Report make this distinction.
In all the recommendation that report makes to the
US government in how it should proceed with the War on Terrorism, Iraq is
never mentioned , not once.
In Chapter 1 which is about how
the Hijacking and crashing of the four commercial airliners, extremely detailed
and its pretty chilling to read how dismayed most authorities where with what
was going on at the moment of the attacks, no government had ever confronted
anything like this, there was no security protocol or procedure in place for
anything like this, but if there where it couldn't have stopped the attack maybe only mitigated it, at least from my
point of view.
Security measures at airports
has since tightened since 9/11 especially for passengers and their lugged had
gotten much more stricter, just becoming a real pain in the butt for the passengers,
but as we discovered in a series of reports elaborated by US authorities during 2015 that there is a major security loop holes
in the control of Airport and Airline employs and also government officials and
because of their access to restricted
areas of the Airport especially the aircrafts themselves, potentially being
able to plant a bomb and be totally
undetected until it's too late. ( in this example this was loop hole was
actually discovered by people trafficking fire arms), all this really brought
the attention of the authorities thanks to an unrelated security breech that
opened up this can of worms.
· The Report gives the reader a pretty complete story
about Osama bin Laden's life and what drives him and the book explains the evolution of
the institution called the Golden Chain used to finance the Mujahideen would evolve over time in to Al Qaeda.
Bin Laden after his time in
Afghanistan he when to Sudan under Hassan al Turabi protection. Osama helped in
the in the war against the Christians in
the south.
Saudi Arabia to silence Osama's
questioning their regime, froze his
assets, revoked his passport and his
nationality, leaving him a man without a country.
Bin Ladden officially
establishes the US as his enemy, first against the west in general in a Fatwa
in1992, and specifically the United States in another Fatwa in 1996, that same
year he arrives to Afghanistan.
One can observe that bin Ladden
had the capability to get in trouble and get under the skin of the autocrats
the where harboring him, Turabi ended up pushing him out of Sudan for bringing
to much unwanted attention to his regime and
Mula Omar, the leader of the Taliban also tried to keep him on a tight
leash, these leaders may have been fundamentalist but they weren't stupid they
knew Osama even though a important asset he could be also a liability.
It surprising to read that
there was no communication among government agencies , limited cooperation and
no coordination among government agencies on terrorism issues. US government
didn't seem to understand what they were up against how terrorism had changed,
especially its motivation.
Bill Clinton officially
established in 1995 and reaffirmed in 1998 that terrorism as a national
security problem, not just a law enforcement issue. P 108. Now is very
important because most writers of the time only center on Clinton's economic
agenda at the time and tend to look this over aspect of his presidency.
The State Department South Asia
bureau in 1996 established the bin Laden was a subject of interest.
This is fundamental December 4
1998 Richard Clarke in his briefing for
the president he establishes the bin Laden is preparing to attack US interest,
and possible planning to hijack an
aircraft to use as bargaining chip to secure the release of some of his associates
that had been captured, it was discovered that people in his organization where
receiving training in this field. This sets a precedent on the issue starting
with Clinton, who knew the risk Osama
posed and he didn't take it lightly.
Chapter 4 talks about some of the
key players that made the terrorist attack happen like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)
who is the true mastermind of 9-11 and he was also behind Bojinka a plot that
was going to try to bring down 12 US airliners in a two day span, that
thankfully never took place. I must note I always wondered way the media gave
some much attention Osama bin Laden over KSM, up until this day if you see a documentary on 9-11 KSM
is seldomly mentioned, maybe because of
the fact Osama became a figure of great
speculation and it took so long to get him while KSM was captured early on in
the war against terror, in 2003, so maybe he didn't have very much political
value to fuel Bush's war, but this is all just speculation on my part. Another interesting aspect about KSM was that the Report ilustraits that attacking California was the plan B, if New York didn't play out.
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Ziad Jarrah another one of the
hostage takers came from well off family in Lebanon and went to a Christian
school and went to Germany as a young adult to pursue higher learning, didn't
show signs of any religious zeal, the
report mentions that he enjoyed going out to parties and drinking beer, but
after a trip to his home land he changed
taking the same path with Atta
forming what would be called the Hamburg Cell attacking more sect like as time
passed. Considering the posibility in to going to fight to Chechnya, bu out of
chance were convinced to go to Afganistan. Once back from Afghanistan members
distance themselves from high profile fundamentalist in Hamburg and stop
attending extremist mosques, Jarrah shaved his beard, Atta used western
clothes, it like they started to go in deep undercover.
It's estimated that Osama
Invested between 400.000 to 500.000 dollars on this attack on the US (P 169),
and Al Qaeda up to the attacks spent 30 million a year and it was mostly
financed by donors, primarily from Saudi Arabia.
As president elect George W
Bush ask George Tenet if the CIA would assassinate bin Laden, and Tenet responded
that it could be counterproductive and it would not have ended threat, but Bush
gave the CIA the authority to take care of the problem. The Bush administration
tried to diplomatically pressure the Taliban to turn Osama over to face justice
for his acts, establishing that they would hold them responsible for anything
Al Qaeda would try to do p 205. Now as much as I like to go around Bush bashing
this was somewhat of a revelation that
they weren't in the dark about Al Qaeda
and its activities, it establishes a president that the Taliban would pay for
Al Qaeda's misdeeds.
One of the most interesting
parts of this chapter is the part dedicated to the alleged trip of Mohammed
Atta to Prague to meet an Iraqi intelligence officer, something that the Bush
administrated jump on to prove the Iraq was involved with terrorism , and there
for a valid target in the war on terror, but the thing is that that report
official establishes that this meeting never took place.
KMS established that the muscle
hijackers possibly weren't aware of the
fact that the plans where going to crashing into buildings.
The Taliban didn't want Osama to attack the
US, because it would be counterproductive for the regime, they knew that in a
all out war with the United States of America would spell the end them.
Osama though these attacks
would bring in more donations and more people to Al Qaeda and that would add the cause.
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