Today we are going to work the concept of Xenophobia and the "Other", no to start off from where I left off at the previus post Wendt (1994) also
explains there are other factors that condition and established interests for
any State/Actor. So now I’m going to explain to you what concepts this author
wields to describe why an actor can take unilateral action, which one could
described as selfish act of the State. Unilateral acts plague the world of immigration;
it’s a problem due to the fact that many times the States react this way, never
really solving the problem, affecting its relations with other states, (proactive
measures never happen). These are the three concepts, Wendt points out to
explain why a State acts this way; the first one he borrows a concept from Jonathan
Mercer (1993) In-groups and Out-groups; the second one is the dependence of States
their domestic population’s opinion and; Finally, nationalism. Currently in the
case of Argentina (that we’ve have been using as an example on all of my posts), the immigrants
do not get in trouble in any of these three concepts, therefore, the State and
its population do not perceives them as a problem, in general.
Something one must keep in mind is the distorted image of the
other that comes from over exaggerated conjunction of the three concepts seen
above all sandwiched together, have a very important impact genesis of
xenophobia, xenophobia, exophobia and endophobia (Marmora; 2004).
Discrimination and some level of intolerance have always existed in Argentina and
there can be a low level of xenophobia towards certain groups of foreigners who
are ethnically different, like the Aymara (ethnic group from Bolivia), Africans
in general and Chinese. But this discrimination does not reach by far levels
that exist in Europe or in the United States of North America. But if the
Government does not take a greater role in to integrating these immigrants,
especially migrants from Bolivia, that make up one of the most important migration
flows to the country and it’s one of the most vulnerable. Without integration
there could be a progressive increase in discrimination and xenophobia from the
local population against that particular community. Xenophobia, even though it shows
the excessive prejudice of the local population, it seeks to protect the group,
from the other is seen as invaders, the
one that alters the ontological order. But the widespread xenophobia produces a
harmful effect for the State to a point that a my be possible that it can isolate
itself because of the rejection and international outcry from affected States
from where the migrants comes from, which feel that their citizens are not
respected or worse persecuted. In the case of Argentina, the countries where the
migrants mostly come from are from its neighbors, and they are at the same time
Argentinas trading partners. If Argentina starts blocking migrants from these
countries in retaliation block trade from this country, and take measures on their
nationals that live in these countries.
Second aspect explained by Wendt, is the question
of public opinion, this is a point which is very clear, the majority the
immigrants that arrive here and do the legal paper work to become residents.
Therefor they become part of the economic system paying taxes, therefore they
have the right to use the public services if need necessary. Because it’s so
simple to become a resident for migrants from MERCOSUR, Argentina
disarticulates a potential social conflict, this I’ll explain later in future post. But despite
of this in Argentina a myth persist in certain right wing sectors, that there is a
disproportionate mass of migrants who prey on the resources of the State, but
as we have seen they have the right and there use of public services is not parasitic
in nature, its like they do not have the right to these people, I have had heated discussions with Argentine expats living in the States on this issue that cut and past their the right wing views on the subject projecting what they perceive happing in the US
here, talking about a bolivian invassion and the dangers behind this, and
its just not true, they come here to work and they do stuff the
Argentines are not willing to do occupaying 3D type jobs ( note check
out My blog on 3D migrants). But this perception is just a political tool used by certain
economic/political sectors. It should not be forgotten that migrants that
become residents can vote in certain elections this benefits some and harms
others, on an electoral level. To some extent migrants can participate in the country's internal political
process, but also may be victims and/or hostages, or may be three conditions
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If you like the review give me a hand and support me on Patreon at this Link that will make me, Matias Cavoti very happy to keep writing.
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